Thursday, December 2, 2010

Thomas Massey - 1680s

The Massey family of North Carolina is descended from Thomas Massey who immigrated from Cheshire, England to Philadelphia, PA in 1683 on the Endeavor sloop.


  1. The only Massey info I have is this website that our cousin Sandy had before she passed away in 2009. Maybe we can find more to add to it eventually.

    Sorry it took so long to reply. I hope that it helps.

  2. I am connected with a branch of the Massey(Massie) family. I traced my brach back to Englan in the 1500's.At that time they used Massie. My g grandfather was James Harlan Massey. He was an early Methodist preacher in the Southern Illinois area. He was ordained in 1830. He had a large family of about 11 children a result of two marriages. His first wife died. My grandmother Emma massey was born in 1856. James died in 1859' Two of her brothers Richard and Thomas both became Methodist preacher. Richard was a Union Arny Chaplain Thomas the youngest borne about 1859 also became a preacher and several more of my uncles followed as preachers. I think James was born in Tennessee in the early 1800's. I don't think there was any connection with your branch with mine in the US.
    I am a retired claims manager, living in Washington state and will be 90 next month
    I have quite a bit of info on Massy
    Don Brown
